Ever since I re-got a computer back in 2020 and re-hooked to the internet, I’ve been working in a cluttered and frustrating corner space. It’s not the corner that’s the problem, it’s the way it’s set up. So, change time has come. Or so I’m wishing.
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Here’s where I’m at right now.
No, this is most definitely not the way to keep your printer:
I’ve already begun by ordering a moveable stand for my printer, which also gives me space for my book stand. But, I’m thinking of going above and beyond. I’ve narrowed my options down to “modest” and “oh heck yeah”.
No, it’s not really what I want but what I do want is much bigger and will cost about five times as much. I haven’t been able to find any arrangement that I like that is a compromise between the two. Here’s the Oh Heck Yeah, That’s What I’m Talkin’ About option:
Well, I don’t have to make a decision right away, so in the meantime I’ll just see how I like it with the printer stand improvement.
It’s here, the printer stand. Hmmmm……..
Peanut butter jars? ff, what are you talking about? This: TV Table Travail Tale Topped Off
No, it’s not that good. It’s cramping me even more, but it’ll do for now. I think I’ll move the file cabinet to another part of the room and move the new printer stand into where the file cabinet was. That way I won’t be squeezing my chair in between the table and the printer stand.
Or, just go for the OH HECK YEAH! $500+. Ugh. Sigh. Hey, it’s only money and it’ll make me happier, right? A happier work space, right? I really gotta think about this some more, first.
[couple hours later]
No. Not the Heck Yeah. After rearranging, moving the file cabinet and putting the printer stand in its place, this is now what my corner looks like:
The card table will be replaced with this, but in brown instead of white:
Glad I got all that figgered out. Whew!
It’s here! The new corner computer desk. Everything has to be disconnected and the corner entirely cleared out.