I’m going to add intro text, so I can update below this as events unfurl.
With the front lines temporarily stabilized, Russian Telegram sources like Rybar are back to inventing fantastical claims of glorious advances, multitudes HIMARS rockets shot down by air defenses, and lots and lots of supposedly dead Ukrainians. Yesterday they were busy celebrating a supposed Russian counteroffensive out of Kreminna that was retaking lost territory toward Lyman. None of it was true, of course, pure nonsense. Pro-Russian Telegram is at its most honest when they’re panicking. And right now, they’re too busy celebrating Monday morning’s terrorist missile attacks.
Along with Russian leadership, Russian Telegram has surrendered any notion of winning on the conventional battlefield. Rybar teamed up with state television network RT to make a list of Ukrainian electrical substations, because heaven forbid they actually hit military targets in, you know, a war. They think that freezing Ukrainians this winter from lack of power (along with Ukraine’s European allies) will somehow deliver their elusive victory. At the very least, people will suffer, and Russia is happiest when others are suffering.