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Groups are collections of Daily Kos users who have come together to speak as a collective voice. Groups can be organized around a specific topic, or simply be people who like to collaborate. Groups can include diaries that are written by the group, or diaries that group members have found and want to highlight.

Finding a group blog that covers a topic you follow can be a great way to read diaries that you might otherwise miss. This page will allow you to find groups that have been called out as useful within the community. Following a group will help other people find it here.


Most Followed Groups

Group Last Diary Diaries Followers
Readers and Book Lovers
Where readers, writers, bibliophiles, and lovers of all things literary find their favorite series and one-of-a-kind diaries, including "Bookflurries," "Write On!," and "Books So Bad They're Good." Plus newer series like "Indigo Kalliope," "Contemporary Fiction Views," "LGBT Literature," and "Books Go Boom!" We hope you'll visit Readers & Book Lovers for the same reasons you get together with a friend -- for the community of like-minded people who share your passion for the written word in all i...
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 07:27 AM PST
Thu Jun 30, 2022
at 07:16 AM PDT
7114 2138
Science Matters
A forum for pointing out and responding to the non-science and anti-science material that appears daily in the media. From simple mistakes and ancient astronaut foolishness, to deliberate obfuscation and assault on scientists, science is under attack and Science Matters is fighting back.
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 10:55 AM PST
Thu Jun 16, 2022
at 02:56 PM PDT
602 1489
ClassWarfare Newsletter: WallStreet VS Working Class Global Occupy movement
(THE WORKING CLASS OCCUPY MOVEMENT HAS MOVED BEYOND JUST WALL STREET)! Our group was Co founded by METEOR BLADES and DEMOCRATS RAMSHIELD. Meet our blog editors which are some of your favorate writers: teacherken,slinkerwink,X,Laurence Lewis,boatsie,LaFeminista,Eclectablog, MinistryOfTruth,xxdr zombiexx,Barbara Morrill,JekyllnHyde,Jake McIntyre, Eclectablog,Ojibwa,icebergslim,BruinKid,CityLightsLover,Mentatmark to name but a few. As members of the MOST PROLIFIC AND LARGEST GROUP AT THE DAILY KOS...
Created Sat Mar 05, 2011 at 08:25 AM PST
Sun Apr 10, 2022
at 03:06 PM PDT
7941 1149
Daily Kos Elections
Daily Kos's official elections portal.
Created Sun Feb 06, 2011 at 08:43 PM PST
Fri Jul 08, 2022
at 03:00 PM PDT
15151 1135
Daily Kos
The Front Page, managed by Daily Kos editorial staff.
Created Sat Feb 12, 2011 at 11:18 AM PST
Tue May 02, 2023
at 09:11 AM PDT
160367 1076
Black Kos community
Black Kos community group. This group publishes diaries that cover a broad range of topics including black history, the arts, politics, and the culture of peoples of African descent worldwide.
Created Mon Feb 14, 2011 at 04:40 PM PST
Sun Jun 26, 2022
at 06:11 AM PDT
8414 986
The SciTech group is dedicated to the exploration of Science and Technology. We welcome all diaries, essays, and discussions that teach or explain the wonders of the universe.
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 08:52 AM PST
Sun Jun 26, 2022
at 02:33 PM PDT
4548 965
Occupy Wall Street
This is a clearinghouse of all posts related to the grassroots effort to return this country to Democracy.
Created Thu Sep 22, 2011 at 03:10 AM PDT
Wed Aug 04, 2021
at 06:50 AM PDT
3606 911
The Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party
This group is for those who are proudly from the Democratic Wing of the Democratic Party, and are interested in fighting against Third Wayism, the enroachment of neoliberalism in our policies, and the rightward bent of our Democratic Party. We stand up for Main Street, and not Wall Street. We believe that progressive policies work, and they should be HEARD loud and clear in Washington, D.C. Please join our group if you want to help fight against the rightward bent of our party, and advance our ...
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 01:32 AM PST
Mon Jun 27, 2022
at 08:11 PM PDT
11264 908
Daily Kos Labor
Created Thu Jul 14, 2011 at 01:22 PM PDT
Sat Jun 25, 2022
at 03:55 PM PDT
4823 886
History for Kossacks
Once the name of a regularly-appearing series on DK3, History for Kossacks is now a DK4 group blog dedicated to the discussion and diarying of all things historical. Topics range from the impact of a'a' lava on ancient Hawaii to Zoroastrianism in Persia; time frame is from Australopithecus to Zulu hours today - so come on in to this dusty cave full of moldering tomes, have a seat in an overstuffed chair, and let's talk history!
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 02:04 AM PST
Thu Jun 30, 2022
at 07:16 AM PDT
6306 795
Backyard Science
Phenology is a science that anyone can practice without a lab coat, microscope, or PhD. It's the study of seasonal events such as first flowers, appearance of certain butterflies, etc. People have tracked these dates for decades -- even centuries -- and now there's a place on DK to record your own observations. A casual spot to tell what you're seeing in the park down the road or in your own back yard.
Created Mon Feb 14, 2011 at 12:38 PM PST
Sat Jul 09, 2022
at 06:00 AM PDT
4508 791
PWB Peeps
This is the group for the pooties, woozles, and birdies people and if you don't like them and don't see the purpose of us being here, please, do not bother us. Just remember what Nurse Kelley and Kos said - "Don't f**k with the pootie people." Started by the Pootie Queen triciawyse, who sadly left us too soon, now run by the Pootie Princess: The Marti. Long live all the pooties, and the woozles, and the birdheds, and their people too.
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 08:43 AM PST
Thu Jul 28, 2022
at 12:00 AM PDT
8669 785
Comics at Daily Kos
Created Thu Mar 31, 2011 at 09:48 AM PDT
Tue Jun 28, 2022
at 04:50 AM PDT
4900 775
New Diarists
The New Diarists group republishes some (non-troll) first diaries and also posts tutorials about how to post diaries. One important New Diarists tutorial: Formatting, tagging, publishing, editing:
Created Thu Dec 15, 2011 at 11:21 PM PST
Fri Jun 17, 2022
at 02:12 PM PDT
410 739
Native American Netroots
A forum for the discussion of political, social and economic issues affecting the indigenous peoples of the United States, including their lack of political representation, economic deprivation, health care issues, and the on-going struggle for preservation of identity and cultural history
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 10:17 AM PST
Thu Jun 30, 2022
at 07:16 AM PDT
2496 691
Climate Hawks
Climate matters. We vote.
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 01:50 AM PST
Mon Jun 27, 2022
at 06:28 AM PDT
6361 650
Living Simply
A group to explore and share sustainable, simple living ideas among fellow progressives. For the urban, rural, or wannabe homesteader, this is a place to share information to simplify everyday life. Sustainable skills such as gardening, food production and storage, do-it-yourself projects for the home or farm, and backyard chickens and other livestock, as well as eco-conscious philosophies such as cooperative living, eco-cities, the Slow Food movement, and being a mindful consumer are but a few...
Created Tue Feb 15, 2011 at 06:44 AM PST
Sat Sep 17, 2011
at 09:02 AM PDT
72 585
Single Payer: The Fight for Medicare for All
Making single payer a reality in Vermont and California is a national priority. It's the camel's nose under the for-profit insurance industry tent. These two states are poised to become the first to enact Single Payer healthcare. The insurance corporations will use all their resources to stop these efforts in their tracks. Join us here to fight for California and Vermont. This battle is for all Americans.
Created Sun Feb 13, 2011 at 06:13 AM PST
Sun Nov 07, 2021
at 12:31 PM PST
281 579
Street Prophets
Street Prophets is the forum that mobilizes progressive people of faith to name, discuss and take action on critical political and religious issues. So come on in and make yourself at home. We believe that most, if not all topics touching on faith and politics are appropriate on Street Prophets. While this forum represents people of widely differing (and often directly conflicting) theologies, our goal here is to focus on forwarding the progressive political discussion that our shared values ma...
Created Fri Apr 29, 2011 at 06:12 PM PDT
Sat Jul 30, 2022
at 01:06 PM PDT
16408 529

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